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Sunday, January 12, 2020
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Law of Universe - How law of universe works- Universe Law
1.Law of Divine Oneness :
The Law of Divine oneness means that we all are connected with one source. There is a divine power which is connecting to all of us. Everything we do it has a collective effect on entire universe. That's why if we do something for the others somehow it will come to us. whatever it is because everything in this universe is connected. Its kind of a cycle.Everything that exist seen and unseen is connected to each other and its inseparable. There is some energy in different forms which is attached to each other. Whatever we do. its just transfer of energy from one form to other. Its important for human race to realize this Law and understand the effectiveness of this power. If we think good for everything than good will only happen everywhere. It is essential that the thoughts, feelings and actions be for good. for we " will reap what we sow."
Here is a pictorial presentation that how physical universe energy exist and how it is present everywhere.
2. Law of Attraction :
The most universal and well known law is know as law of attraction its an active magnetic power of this universe that draws similar energies together. It manifests through the power of creation, everywhere in many ways. In order to have things you desire in life you have to work out how to vibrate on the same frequency as these things.
Basically you have to be being positive, proactive and loving attracts more same in to your life. On the other hand pessimism, lethargy and fear attract more negativity in to all aspects of your life. The words what you speak in daily life you attract those things. With the help of Law of attraction you can manifest anything in your life.
3. Law of Vibration :
Law of vibration tell us that everything around us vibrating on a certain frequency. Everything in this universe is vibrating at sub atomic level. Everything in this universe carries with its vibration that is unique to it self that carries constant energy and movement with it. At the level of particles everything is vibrating therefore high vibrating particles attracts high vibrating particles and low vibrating particles attract low vibrating particles. This where the phrase " like attracts like" comes from. Its true what we are vibrating. We attract our tribe of fallow souls in this manner " your vibe attract tribe". In order to change anything in your life you simply need to change your frequency and by doing so your will attract a new frequency.
4. Law of Correspondence :
Law of correspondence is directly related to laws of universal oneness. This Law basically says that our current reality is mirror of what is going on inside us. Our reality is a result of our inner most dominant thought. If our life is filled with unhappiness, chaos or is just straight up unfulfilling, it is because that's how we are on the inside. If we hold negative though internally than our than our outer world will be filled with full of negativity and turmoil.
If we are too negative from inside we will become self perpetuating. It means if we feel bad from inside our perception for outer world will also start to look bad. The worse the outer world become we will feel bad from inside. So in order to change your outer world we must first take a good look in the mirror and change the inner self. The foundation of self help course is to change from the inside out. you need to change from inside to get the desired outer world. If you want see change in the outer world than first you have to change yourself from inside.
5.Law of Inspired Action
This is one of the most important law and one that is not often utilized and it prevents the manifestation of law of attraction. In order our intensions to manifest we must take some actions towards making those intentions into reality. When your actions and intensions will be aligned than law of attraction will work faster. In short we must take some actions to achieve our dreams come true. Its not like you are just sitting idol and your dream reality will come to your door step. you need to put some efforts and than only law of attraction will work to convert your dream into reality. We take one baby step and universe response with big steps. So Law inspired action is really important.
6.Law of cause and effect
The universal Law of cause and effect states that every for every effect there is a cause, likewise for every cause there is a definite effect. Your thoughts behaviors and actions creates specific effects that manifest and creates your life. Sometime this law referred as Law of Karma.Whatever you put into the world will return to you with three folds. This Law is directly aligned with the Law of universal oneness. We are all connected everything we do for others are actually we are doing that to ourselves.
The Law of compensation is another restatement of Law of sowing and reaping. It says that you will always be compensated for your efforts and for your contribution, whatever it is, however much or however little. Words are powerful but our feelings and belief system is actually powers our ability to manifest and our thoughts into existence. If you do good deeds for someone else but you do it with negative manner what will actually be returned is the resentment and anger. If you hold love in your heart when you do these deeds than love will only be returned as compensation.
8.Law of Perpetual transmutation of Energy
The Law of perpetual Transmutation of energy or the Law of energy says that all energy is in motion and eventually it will appear in the physical form. This energy is constantly changing . Change is the only constant. The beautiful part of this Law is the realization that no matter where you are in life you have the ability and capacity to change it into exactly the life you want it to be.
The Law of relativity states that everything is in this universe is related . Universe is neutral when we see this in isolation and it is only when we describe its meaning to anything that we see this reflect in our reality. The reality is no good or bad. It is simply our impression that shows us to that. This universe is blank canvas which shows our emotions, thoughts and belief system. Our mind is like a movie projector and our thoughts are like the film that is fed through the projector. if our thoughts are negative we will watch a horror movie and if our thoughts are positive full of love and compassions than same will reflect in our lives. You have a the capability to make movie of your life.
10.Law of Gender
The Law of gender re present that everything in this universe is comprises of both male and female energy which the Chinese refers to yin and yang. Many people think that these are opposite forces but no these are the complimentary forces and that can not exist without one another. When the male female energy combine together to make one unit of energy than yogi calls it highest form energy which is known as Yoga. When complimentary energies unite the union has the power to change the world.
11. Law of Polarity
The Law of Polarity defines that in this universe everything has an opposite. Happiness must have sadness, Hot have cold, up has down, front has back and day has night. Everything here has an opposite force. We can suppress the undesirable thoughts by concentrating of the desirable opposite force. So this law also shows that universe is one power. There is existence of opposite forces. Its up to us that how we manifest our desires by concentrating on a particular force.
12. Law of Rhythm
The Law of Rhythm states that everything is in universe is like a pendulum. something swing to right than for sure it will swing to left too. Everything in this universe has goes through a cycle so everything has a rhythm or pattern. A once beautiful rose eventfully withers and wilts only and return to dust. Understanding and acknowledging these cycle allow us to not become so attached to anyone state of life. So change is a constant.
So there 12 universal Laws are here to master your life and live a happy life. You can manifest your life the way you want. Have a Good Day and Happy Life.
Friday, February 23, 2018
List of Indian Spices used in Cooking
1.Ani Seeds
Hindi Name :Soumph (सौंफ )
Hindi Name :Soumph (सौंफ )
Botanical Name : Pimpinella anisum
Family : Apiaceae
Family : Apiaceae
Hindi Name : Heeng ( हींग )
Hindi Name : Heeng ( हींग )
Part used : Oleogum resin from Rhizome & thickened root
Botanical Name : Ferula Asafoetida
3. Basil
Hindi Name : Tulsi (तुलसी )
Part used : Leaf
Botanical Name : Oscimum basilicum
Family : Lamiaceae
Hindi Name : Tulsi (तुलसी )
Part used : Leaf
Botanical Name : Oscimum basilicum
Family : Lamiaceae
Hindi Name : Tejpatta (तेजपत्ता )
Part used : leaf
Botanical Name : Laurus nobilis
Family : Lauraceae
5.Carom seeds
Hindi Name : Ajwain (अजवाइन )
Hindi Name : Ajwain (अजवाइन )
Part used : Fruit
Botanical Name : Tarchyspermum Ammi
Family: Apiaceae
6. Cardamom Small
Hindi Name : Choti Ilaichi ( छोटी इलयाची )
Part used : Fruit capsule
Botanical Name :Elettaria cardamomum maton
Family : Zingiberacea
7. Cardamom Big
Hindi Name : Badi Ilaichi (बड़ी इलाइची )
Part used : Fruit Capsule
Botanical Name : Amomum subulatum roxb
Family : Zingiberaceae
Badi Ilaichi |
Hindi Name : Dalchini (दालचीनी )
Part used : Bark
Botanical Name : Cinnamomum verum
Family : Lauraceae
9. Clove
Hindi Name : Laung (लौंग )
Part used : Unopened flower bud
Botanical Name : Syzygium aromaticum
Family : Myrtaceae
10. Coriander
Hindi Name : Dhania (धनिआ )
Part used : Leaf and seeds
Botanical Name : Coriandrum sativum
Family : Apiaceae
Coriander leaves |
Coriander Seeds |
11. Cumin
Hindi Name : Jeera ( जीरा )
Part used : Fruit
Botanical Name : Cuminum cyminum
Family : Apiaceae
Jeera |
12. Curry Leaves
Hindi Name : Curry Puttaa, Meetha Neem ( करी पत्ता)
Part Used : Leaf
Botanical Name : Murraya Koenigi
Family : Rutaceae
Curry Patta |
13. Dill
Hindi Name : Sowa (सोवा ),Shepu(शेपू )
Part used : Fruits
Botanical Name : Anethum graveolens
Family: Apiaceae
Dill |
14. Fenugreek
Hindi Name : Methi (मेथी )
Part Used : Leaf and seeds
Botanical Name : Trigonella Foenum-graecum
Family: Fabaceae
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C ough is the most common sickness in children, especially in winters and in coastal areas where optimum combination of environmenta...
1.Ani Seeds Hindi Name :Soumph (सौंफ ) Part used : Fruit Botanical Name : Pimpinella anisum Family : Apiaceae 2.Asa...