Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Home Remedies for Cough and Cold in Children

Cough is the most common sickness in children, especially in winters and in coastal areas where optimum combination of environmental biotic factors.  It can be stressful and frustrating for your child to deal with this harrowing hack. Coughs and cold are of different types- runny nose, watery eyes, slightly feverish, dry cough, whooping cough, and barky cough. The major causes of cough are upper respiratory infection which happens due to more than 200 viruses and different bacteria’s. It is accompanied with several symptoms such as difficult swallowing, sound while breathing, runny/stuffy nose, chest tightness, lethargy, wheezing, difficult breathing, restlessness and fever. Being a mom I would suggest you should avoid over-the counter medications, particularly, if your child is less than 4 years, as they may result in side-effects. Several ingredients available in your kitchen can do magic. For initial two three days you can do these home remedies.

Below given remedies are good but if cough is more than a week than you must consult a doctor because some time normal cough cold can convert in to a serious condition like pneumonia, chest pain, bleeding during coughing.

Here are some home remedies for treating cough and cold in children

  1. Garlic and Ajwain : Garlic and Karrom seeds (Ajwain seeds) put in mustard oil warm it and let it come to luke warm stage than massage on child's chest, back, feet's and palms.
  2. Warm Mustard Oil: A Luke warm mustard oil massage over the chest is a great remedy for cough and sore throat in children. Mix 5 to 10 teaspoon of mustard oil with crushed garlic and Ajwain seeds and do tadka. After it is cooled, strain the mixture and store in a bottle. When needed, warm a little and apply on the child’s chest, forehead and throat.
  3. Ajwain Potli : Roast Ajwain seeds in a pan and keep the seeds in a cotton cloth and make the bundle. Use this small Ajwain cloth bundle for giving warm compress and keep this bundle near the child when she/he is sleeping.
  1. Ginger Juice: Another effective home remedy to get rid of cough and cold is to give few drops of ginger juice mixed with a honey and black pepper.
  2. Basil Leaf: Basil leafs are one of the most effective home remedy for flu. you can steam the leaves and squeeze it, the water come out from leaves give to your child.
  3. Nutmeg Powder: Nutmeg is very helpful in diluting the mucus. half tea spoon of nutmeg powder mixed with breastmilk or water and give to the child. This is helpful as mucus will come out with poop.
  4. Cinnamon Powder: Cinnamon has an antioxidant effect and acts as an effective antibacterial and antifungal agent. Mix 1 teaspoon of honey with 1/4 spoon of cinnamon, feed this mixture every 4 hours throughout the day.
  5. Camphor: Add little camphor powder in coconut oil and heat it. Let it come out on the luke warm stage than do massage with this on chest, palms and feet's. Use little camphor as it may irritate the skin of your child so while using take tiny amount.
  6. Chicken soup: Warm liquids are very helpful in relieving the congestion and soothing too. you can give clear veg soup also as soups keep them hydrated.
  7. Ladies finger (Okra): Okra is mucilaginous in nature so it helps to remove the mucus and reduce the inflammation from body. you can boil the okra slices for 6-7 minutes than let get luke warm and give this water to child is sips.
  8. Lemon: Lemon is very good for boosting the immunity as it is rich in Vitamin C content. Squeeze the lemon and mix this juice with honey & give to child with lots of water.
  9. Steam Inhalation: Give steam to the child with steamer but be very careful while giving the steaming. you can 1 drop of eucalyptus oil in steamer. This is very helpful in relieving the congestion.

  10. The information provided in this article is just on experience basis it does not hold any scientific procedure. It is up to the discretion of the parents to decide for their baby, the writer does not hold responsibility for the same.

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